Sunday, July 22, 2007

Single...and Loving It! part 32

A friend: "When I was younger some people thought I was a lesbian because I rarely dated anyone."

Me: "No, that's called being a single Christian woman. They're easily confused."

Growing up in the southern region of the ol' USofA everyone was practically married before they even left the womb. Sometimes there's a stigma associated with being single...a single woman...a single woman over the age of 30! THE HORROR! Some people start wondering if there's something wrong with you. Then you begin to think to yourself "There must be something wrong with me!" Thank God for Ben and Jerry's and Sex and the City reruns. They really know how to snap a girl back to reality.


Lindsay said...

That's why I love living up here! There's no pressure to get hitched or make babies:) Awesome.

Anonymous said...

There is definitely nothing wrong with you!!! But I'd say there just might be something badly, sadly wrong with lots of Chicago men. They have no idea what they're missing. Poor guys. Let's feel sorry for them. Love, love, Mom

Katy said...

No, this isn't a pity party for me. I just wanted to write the verbal exchange between me and Jessie last night.

There's nothing wrong with anybody!

Anonymous said...

That's what we get for being committed to youth ministry post-college. While everyone else was out at the bar meeting their future husbands...we were meeting very single 15 year-old boys. Wait. That didn't sound right!

Luckily I made it to the bar soon enough!