Tuesday, July 31, 2007


It was one of those mornings when my alarm went off and all I could think was "I can't wait until tonight so I can go back to sleep." I had visions of myself crawling under my desk to take a mid-morning nap. Come to think of it, that sounds really good about now.

For the past few days my mom mentions how tired I sound everytime she talks to me. At first I thought it was mostly because I was trying to keep my voice low because I was at work. But now I think she's right. I've been playing too hard and having too much fun. There are worse reasons to be tired: Carb-coma, Mono, depression, boredom, PMS, etc. So I really can't complain.

I don't see myself stopping anytime soon. Andrew and I are heading to L.A. for a long weekend to witness the 2007 X-Games. He love motorcross so we'll spend most of our time watching people do crazy tricks and possibly breaking their necks. I can't wait! No seriously, I can't wait! Five full days with my little brother and a nice hotel near the beach? Couldn't be better!

So yeah, whoa is me for being a little sleepy this morning. Remember, I want to EMBRACE opportunity! There's no time to sleep!

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