Thursday, November 15, 2007


Winter can be a tough time for the skin. What was once dewy, greasy and could borderline cook french fries thanks to the summer months, is now scaley, dry and a little on the itchy side. If I don't carry around moisturizer with me constantly, my face shrivels up and cracks. It's all very attractive.

Today I went and had my eyebrows waxed during an early lunch break. It was time to tame the beast sitting just above my eyelids. My aesthetician took the normal precautions: vaseline and baby powder. After the first RIP I felt an unusual tingling/burning sensation. I do have sensitive skin so the redness/puffiness wouldn't be too alarming, so what's alarming are the two super-red strips on my forehead. One is just below my left eyebrow. The other is just a smidge to the right of my right eyebrow. This my friends is due to dry skin. Now I look like I've been in a bar fight. Well, someone with gorgeous eyebrows who has been in a bar fight. There is a difference.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would pay top dollar to see you in a bar fight, I would.

Buns, how many talks have we had about the danger of the midday wax? These things must be left to the ends of our days. (upon re-reading that, I make it sound like Armaggeddon)