Wednesday, November 07, 2007

What's in a Dream?

Kellsey, a friend I've known since the 8th grade, left a comment not that long ago on one of my posts. I hope she doesn't mind that I post part of it here. I left out the part where she said we were engaged to each other. She's married so I'm not too worried.

I dreamed last night that I was at your parents house with you for a sleepover. We were hanging out and talking and dancing around (with your parents). When we went to bed we both slept pretty soundly. THen at 5:30 you all of a sudden sat bolt upright and said "I can't stand it anymore! I've got to get up. I can't stand to sleep late and miss half the day."

That is so me! Most people close to me know that I don't like sleeping late because I love the day time so much and who wants to waste some perfectly good daylight?

I've never slept past 12:30pm. And when I did that it was after prom and I didn't go to bed until 6:00 am. I am also pretty competitive. I used to get mad when my old roommate would wake up before me on a Saturday morning. How dare she get a start on the day before me! Maybe I felt guilty for wasting precious time. Guilt? Me? And you know what else makes me feel guilty? Watching t.v. when my roommates are busy doing something else. Automatically I feel I'm lazy. I'm sensing I have some issues here.

Anyone else have any dreams about me they'd like to share? Kidding! No, seriously. Wait, maybe I don't want to know them.

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