Friday, November 30, 2007

Days of Christmas

I can't believe one of my very own flesh and blood actually sat upon Santa's lap and smiled. We have a history of sitting on his lap and crying. I have proof! There's a beauty of a photo with Patrick bawling while sitting on Santa's lap. Send it to me Patrick!

Liam is doing nothing more than being Liam. He smiles and giggles non-stop.

Here's a happy picture Patrick found of us with a Santa doll. If he'd been real, we would have been crying.


Beck said...

Maybe it's because Liam got sort of a Country Santa. He looks so laid back and jolly, like he might also spend some time on the rocking chairs at Cracker Barrel.

I love BOTH these pics!

Lindsay said...

Liam is so cute!

I have that same Santa doll, Katie. My mom made it when I was little, and now my son loves to give him hugs.