Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Toy Recall

Since Christmas is being thrust upon us earlier and earlier, I thought I would urge parents to BEWARE of the toys out there. A non-profit recently put together a list of the worst toys available to children. Click here to read more about it. I need to return the rubber band shooter that I just bought for Connor.

This also reminds me of one of my favorite Saturday Night Live sketches ever starring Dan Akroyd and Jane Curtin. I wish I could find the video for it.

Radar Magazine also had an article about the 10 most dangerous toys ever. My parents were good because I never had any of these toys.


dawn said...

Thanks for the heads middle boy wants crocs, heelys and roller blades...

ER, here we come...

Anonymous said...

You're kidding me. I missed the opportunity to own a radioactive chemistry set? Dangit!!

Kids these days are wusses. Back in my day we didn't need safety seats, seat belts, or bicycle helmets. We were tough. We were hardy. Let the weaker of the species be weeded out by the toys of our youth.

Now hand me a gun and let's talk politics. LOL!!

This was fun. :-)