Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Let's All Go to the Movies!

In honor of Oscar Nominations announced this morning, LET'S TALK MOVIES!

But before we get into this year's selections, I want to discuss some oldies but goodies. This weekend I decided to lock myself in my apartment (thanks to Chicago being all of 2 degrees...FAHRENHEIT) to snuggle with a blanket and watch movies that impacted me as a kid.

The first one is Empire of the Sun starring little Mr. Christian Bale. And that is when I developed my first film-star crush. Even as a youth I could see beyond the horrible wig they made him wear for most of the movie. I also had a little surprise when I recognized a young Ben Stiller. I had no idea he was in that movie. I think what hit me most was this young kid trying to hold onto his youth while having to grow up quickly in a prison camp during World War II. It's a beautifully filmed story and John Malkovich is brilliant as always. He has a way of making me want to punch him in the face. Kudos for him for not shying away from unlikeable characters. If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and rent this Steven Spielberg classic.

The second one is The Power of One starring Morgan Freeman and Stephen Dorff. And there marked the development of my second film-star crush. Sure he's a mess now, but back then he was fighting for peace in South Africa. I had another one of those, "Oh my gosh, do you know who that is?!" moments. The newest James Bond, Daniel Craig, plays one of the most hateful characters in this movie. I don't know if I can ever look at him the same. Want education and a beautiful story all in one movie? Rent it.

Guess how many times I cried this weekend in movies. I'm thinking I cried three times in two movies. Not bad.

Now onto the Oscar Nominations:

Best Picture
Juno: I'm so excited about this one! Not only is the music fabulous but the actors charm the butt right off of you. I'm not kidding. I entered the movie wearing a size 10 jeans and left wearing a size 6.

Michael Clayton: I think this is a movie about George Clooney doing something to change the world...or at least a few peoples lives. I haven't seen it. I probably won't.

No Country for Old Men: I hear it's bloody. Yet I'm somewhat tempted to go see it. People either love it or hate it.

There Will Be Blood: I can't resist a movie starring one of the single hottest characters of all time: Daniel Day Lewis in Last of the Mohicans. Be still my beating heart. I'm sure I won't think he's hot in this movie. But anyone who will stay in character 24 hours a day while he's filming a movie deserves my money. Just think of the therapy he'll need afterwards.

Atonement: Hated it. No seriously, I really didn't like the movie. Story = eh. Characters...didn't really care what happened to them. I didn't find them likeable. However, the music was beautiful and the way the film was shot was a work of art.

Best Actor/Actress and Best Supporting Actor/Actress
Laura Linney, Ellen Page and Julie Christie = Fabulous! I love the surprise of Laura Linney's nomination. Ellen Page, that role was written for you. If only I could be so lucky. Philip Seymour Hoffman in Charlie Wilson's War was a pure delight.

Original Screenplay
Lars and the Real Girl: You stole my heart! Please rent this movie. Ryan Gossling's performance is refreshing and you just want to hug everyone after the movie. If only communities came together in real life like they did in this movie.

Those are my thoughts. I still need to see a couple of these flicks to really know who to root for should the Oscars actually take place. At this moment I'm thinking Juno.


Lindsay said...

Wow, we have very similar taste. I used to watch Empire of the Sun and The Power of One over and over again. Stephen Dorff and Christian Bale were so freakin cute!

Beck said...

Amen and amen to Empire and Power of One. I remember being a mere sixth grader (5th maybe) and walking out of Empire of the Sun and feeling my life was different. If you're 12 and a movie hits you that way, it's good. (Reason #19 why my kids will hate me - there won't be High School Musical in my house)

Today I thought of you and remembered I need to rent Lars and the Real Girl. Why did you move away, my indie-film friend? The other night I was explaining to Russ how the McCullough sisters responded to The Royal Tennebaums. (Twas then that we knew twas not to be.)

My one argument with you: Juno. It was a good movie. Not great. Ellen Page almost overdid it. I am probably the only person who had Joey Potter flashbacks due to the "snarkiness" of EP's monologues. She was good. The script was pretty good. But not fully believeable. I appreciated Jennifer Garner best in that - her character felt like a real person.

And I think you went from a size 10 to a 6 in that movie b/c we just had bad gas.

Heidi said...

Here are my opinions on the nominated movies I've seen. "Juno" - loved it. Want to see it again. "There Will Be Blood" - good movie, kind of want to see it again just cause you don't really get where it's all coming from. The guy who plays the preacher (the son from Little Miss Sunshine) deserves an award for his performance. "No Country for Old Men" - good movie, but I blocked my eyes a lot due to the violence. I'm a wimp, but still thought this was an outstanding movie. Eric and I talked about it for a long time afterward so we could figure out what happened in certain parts. It's a good one!

And no, I don't just like all movies. I just happen to have seen those three and liked 'em all for very different reasons. No idea who should win certain awards.