Thursday, January 31, 2008

Eight's Great

I stole this from Jana's blog (friend from high school). She's much deeper and way more compassionate than I am with her answers. I'm going to try and rip right through them so I don't think too much. I have a habit of thinking too much and then becoming paralyzed to the point of not knowing what I really think. Hello perfectionism!

8 Things I’m Passionate About...

1. Jesus
2. My family (shocker!)
3. People
4. Stories (fiction or non-fiction)
5. Shoes
6. Acting
7. Traveling
8. Laughing

8 Things I Want To Do Before I Die...

1. Get married (please Jesus!)
2. Have kiddos
3. Travel all over Australia and New Zealand
4. Make a movie or do a play that I am proud of
5. Make the world okay with ending sentences with prepositions
6. Overcome fear
7. Write a book
8. Change peoples lives through story-telling (film, stage, book, etc.)

8 Things I Say Often...

1. Oh you.
2. Any quote from Waiting for Guffman
3. For realz.
4. I'm hungry.
5. But what if....
6. I got it at Anthropologie, of course.
7. Goodnight, sleep tight.
8. I need to shave.

8 TV Shows I’ve Recently Watched...

2. Project Runway
3. Real Housewives of Orange County (guilty!)
4. CBS Sunday Morning
5. Scrubs
6. The Office (please come back on!)
7. ER
8. and that's about it

8 Songs I Could Listen to Over and Over...

1. Say it to Me Now (Once soundtrack)
2. Fix You by Cold Play
3. In Christ Alone (that one's for you Kelly!)
4. In 7th grade it was Whitney Houston's How Will I Know if He Really Loves Me.... remember that one Kellsey?
5. Jump for My Love by the Pointer Sisters
6. Sweet Child o'Mine by Guns N'Roses
7. Be Thou My Vision
8. Romeo and Juliet (Indigo Girls version)

8 Things That Attract Me To My Best Friends...

1. They make me feel safe
2. Sense of Humor
3. Their passion for life and people
4. They laugh at themselves
5. Love talking about books,
6. They challenge me to grow mentally, spiritually, emotionally (and thanks to Ben and Jerry's, physically)
7. Their contageous spirit of joy, peace, love and compassion
8. They are trustworthy

8 Things I’ve Learned (or been reminded of) This Past Year...

1. It's not about me!
2. I'm a perfectionist
3. I absolutely LOVE being an aunt
4. Life's too short to be afraid to fail
5. My parents generosity inspires me
6. All You Can Do is All You Can Do, and All You Can Do is Enough (Thanks Art Williams!)
7. God alone is my rock and He is good and trustworthy

8 People I Think Should Do “8”...

If you're tagged here, you can leave it on your blog or leave it in the comments section. If you're not tagged but want to share, do it!

Beckles, Kellsey, Lindsay Williams, Art, Erin, Mom, Cousin Kate and Dad


Heidi said...

Hey Katy, I did it and posted it on my blog. Check it out. :) What a nice morning distraction at work.

Kellsey said...

Hey, girlie girl, I actually did this one and posted it at the stokes family blog. I rarely do these, but you caught me right when my daughter drifted off for a nap. so, I actually had time to do it! yea!

By the way, I now have Whitney Houston STUCK in my head...thank you...thank you very much...arg@!

Anonymous said...

I will try and do it, but I fear that I am so shallow and un-deep (is that a word?) that I may not have many answers. I'm just kidding, but these kinds of things freak me out! Like the question, what 5 people would you invite to dinner. I never know. I mean, I read Nora Roberts books for goodness sakes!

Katy said...


That's EXACTLY why I want to hear your list of 8's.

and you're WAY deeper than you realize. Don't feel pressure to put down really profound answers. If that's the case, no one would ever finish their list.