Thursday, January 10, 2008

Wax On, Wax Off

Yesterday I got my eyebrows waxed. Again, little red spots are left as traces of evidence. But I don't look like I was beat up this time. When I was laying on the table I asked one of my "inane" questions: "Have you ever dropped a glob of wax in someone's hair? I mean, how would you get it out?" She hadn't and I didn't want to be the first.

Walking back to work I began laughing to myself as I remembered a funny story one of my extended relatives told me about herself and a bad waxing situation. She decided to try a do-it-yourself wax..for her nether-regions...never a good idea. She put the wax on her skin...AND IT WOULDN'T COME OFF! She even called my mom for moral support and any wax-removal ideas. She was afraid she would rip off her skin so she had a brilliant idea of getting into a bathtub of warm water to melt the wax so she could wipe it off. The wax did come off, but she didn't immediately realize that she was laying in what had become a tub of wax. Everything was sticky. Her towel stuck to her. The door knobs, the phone, the floor, the tub...all were sticky. Bless her heart. If this isn't a recommendation for professional waxing, I don't know what is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

everyone ought to have their own home-waxing horror story - they teach life lessons about the price of vanity, and are oh so humorous for others. i learned from a friend that "goop" is about the best you can do to get the wax off of you if you were to find yourself in an uncomfortably sticky situation. not sure how it would work on hair, but something worth knowing...just in case!