Thursday, January 03, 2008


What do Jessica Simpson and I have in common? Nothing.

Don't you think that wearing your puffy coat because the office is so cold constitutes the office needing to be closed? Me too.

Thank God I started my period today. My boobs were killing me.

I forgot my book today. I'm wondering how I'll survive the commute home. I may actually have to spend time thinking.

Is there something about me that says "Frosty Lipstick"? The lady at the Chanel counter thought so.

Project Runway.

Spin Class tonight? God help me, I need to go.

My friend, Gina, is moving to Iowa this weekend. She just stopped by the office to say goodbye to everyone. Boohoo. She gave me her calendar of inspirational quotes. I thought this week's was fitting for her. "I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year, 'Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.' And he replied, 'Go out into the darkness and put your hand in the hand of God. That shall be to you better than a light and safer than a known way.'" M. Louise Haskins


dawn said...

I really appreciate how candid you are. It makes me feel so much more normal...hope you take that the way I intended sure does not sound good the way it is written.

Katy said...

Yes, you are normal! If only you heard my conversations with my sister and my BFF, Becky. I swear they make my mom blush!

Lindsay said...

The lady at the Clarins counter told me I have pretty eyes and she said it after I had already paid for my stuff. So, she must have really meant it.

Anonymous said...

I love you friend! I am going to miss you SO much but I promise to read your blog everyday so update often and let me know when I need to start working on my management skills! :)

Beck said...

Whew. Well, at least you know you're not pregnant.

Nothing about you says "Frosty Lipstick"..except the part of you that is in common with Jessica Simpson.