Wednesday, March 19, 2008


It's been confirmed: I'm an AVOIDER! I noticed a trend today that I tend to avoid all preventive medicine. Sure I need to go to the dentist and gynie regularly, but I don't want to! I mean, WHAT IF something was wrong? Heaven forbid it make a black mark on my "perfection." I mean, shouldn't it mean more that I catch something early before it turns into something HUGE? This is what I'm dealing with people. I realize the ridiculousness of it all.

Today I went to the dentist for the first time in *cough* two years. Eek! My parents raised me to go to the dentist every six months, not every two years! I was nervous, of course. At least I had one thing going for me - I floss EVERY DAY! But would that cut it? Let me go ahead and answer that question for you - NO.

The office was incredibly fabulous. I'd use "fierce" but that word is so completely over-used these days. And since when did anyone say "hot mess" after 1995? I guess it's back. Blah blah blah. Back to reality. Seriously, everything was completely high-tech. Lots of computers, digital cameras and x-rays. I saw everything right before my eyes on a flat screen. I even picked out the cavities before they did. Yes people, I have cavities. So tragic. That's what you get for two years away from the dental chair and ice pick. AND I clench my teeth. Hello bite plate. You and I are going to get to know each other well.

I did start to feel panic rise up in me. There were a few murmurs and then some discussion in a language I'm not familiar with....since I'm not a dentist! Then there was a "Hmmmm, do you grind your teeth or clench your teeth when you sleep? Yes, I can tell. Just look here." Where? Where do I look? Sure, whatever you say. Suddenly I was chiding myself for not having perfect teeth and gums. Repeat your mantra Katy! You're perfectly imperfect...and acceptable JUST THE WAY YOU ARE! Cavities and all.

Got to go call the gynie.


Kellsey said...

Girlfriend, I haven't been to the dentist since I was pregnant with my first child (which was almost 4 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I greatly fear it, I know they will rail at me, I know I have got cavities--just know it! I do NOT floss everyday, but I do feel guilty about not flossing every day on a daily basis. I am SO afraid. I need to go, but I am too afraid of the work that will need to be done. oi!

I used to have the excuse that we didn't have dental insurance to cover me once I left work and went back to school. But now I have dental insurance again, and the FEAR, oh the fear, it is so paralyzing. I will not only have to arrange child care so I can go once, but I am certain that I will have to arrange child care so that I can go back again ( so they can fill all my cavities and whatever else they have to do, which they WILL have to do)...ugh. I don't even like to think about this.

As far as the gynie goes, I have definitely been up to date with those appointments. That's what happens when you're pregnant. You go every month and then every week for several weeks at the end of each pregnancy. Me and my gynie, we're great pals. She's very nice and I'm glad to have spent so many hours in her office. I have finally gotten "used to" dealing with the necessary exams, but even with all my many visits, I must admit that I still don't actually ever want to go back.

Actually, I just remembered that my daughter is over a year old....that means it has been over a year since I've been...dang. Time to call the gynie again...

Anonymous said...

i LOVE going to the dentist. my teeth never feel as clean as when i left. i would go every week if i could, and was crushed when i missed one of my 6 month appts. due to lack of insurance. granted, i have never had a cavity. but you'd think 6 years of braces would have deterred me. nope. love it. am i really the only one???

Katy said...

Yes Stacy, you are indeed the only one. Let's not rub in the "fact" that you've "never had a cavity." That to me says you're not truly living!

Forgive me, that was my bitterness speaking. I didn't mean to project.

And Kellsey, don't be afraid! Just make an appointment now!

Kate said...

Sigh. Katy, I missed out on the dentist for 2 years and did all the right things and WHAM! Cavities. Like you've never seen. I swear I have Granny's mouth. ARG. If I don't have a full set of implants by the time I'm 40 I'll be happy. But my dentist is cool too! I get to watch TV while they work on me and they're UBER FRIENDLY! So I don't abhor it now, just dread it. =)

Heidi said...

There has only been one dentist in my entire life that I've liked. And they even had to fill cavities for me since I had had a two year gap in visits as well. Then, my insurance switched upon going back to grad school. Now I have to make an appt with the U of M dental school and let students hack away at my mouth? Scary. I haven't made an appt but need to soon. And speak of the devil, I'm heading to the gynie today. Good timing on this post, Katy. :) Maybe too much info for some readers, but what can you do?