Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Happy Birthday...

...TO ME!!! Yes, it's a birthday dedication to myself! I am 32 and...I know, I totally look young for my age, thank you dawling!...have so much to be thankful for! I am blessed with wonderful friends, family and adventures.

Today is a marathon day of delicious foods being put in my mouth and sent through my ever-decreasing metabolic system. Bring it on! I'll probably iChat with the family too. It's sunny and warm-er out. All in all, a GREAT day!

However I do want to point out that my ears are starting to clog. Before you ask, yes I do clean them out regularly. Am I going to be 32 years old walking around with cotton balls in my ears keeping the wind out? I'm so afraid.

P.S. It's also my movie star crush's birthday. Not that I have it memorized or anything.


Jess Lindsay said...

Happy Birthday! 32 rules! love you!

Kellsey said...

Happy, Happy Birthday to you!!!

let me know how 32 goes. if you don't like it, maybe I can send it back come May.

lindsay said...

Happy Birthday Katy! You and Becks have a blast this weekend!