Thursday, March 27, 2008

Boyz to Men: A, B, C, BB, D

I found this while reading this blog. I have a love/hate relationship with blogs created by freakin' creative people. All of a sudden I find myself thinking, "Why am I not creative like that? I should be spending time making everything beautiful!" Then I remember that I have a full-time job and an incredibly time consuming passion. I'm doing good if I make my bed in the morning...which I did today. Check!

How I do love taking little quizzes and sharing with everyone EVERY. LITTLE. DETAIL. OF. MY. LIFE!

A - Attached or single? Last time I checked I was single.
B - Best friend? Beckles!
C - Cake or pie? Hands down, cake. Not too much icing. But I do love pie with crunchy, sugary crust.
D - Day of choice? Any day that doesn't involve me sitting in front of a computer in a cubicle.
E - Essential item? I'll agree with my mom on this one: lipstick.
F - Favorite color? Red
G - Gummy bears or worms? Hello, Bears! Worms have a chalky feel to them. Am I right or am I right?
H - Hometown? Frisco, TX
I - Favorite indulgence? Shoes and purses
J - January or July? Where am I living? Chicago = July. Dallas = July. So I guess its July.
K - Kids? None that I know of....
L - Life isn't complete without? FAMILY! and a passion.
M - Marriage date? Tomorrow
N - Number of brothers and sisters? 2 Brothers and 1 Sister. All are awesome.
O - Oranges or apples? Both, all in one sitting.
P - Phobia and fears? Fear of failure. I'm getting over it. But I also hate bugs...just ask my roommates....oh, and rodents. ick.
Q - Quote? "I went shopping for my wife Bonnie. I buy most of her clothes...."
R - Reason to smile? FAMILY!
S - Season of choice? Chicago falls, Texas springs, Hawaii anythings
T - Tag three people: Kate, Heidi and Kathie - because I know you'll blog it.
U - Unknown fact about me? I can't sleep wearing pants or shorts. I like sleeping in the undy-pundies.
V - Vegetable? Technically tomatoes are a I'll go with asparagus.
W - Worst habit? I blow bubbles when I chew gum...and I mumble.
X - X-ray or ultrasound? Either when I'm in pain.
Y - Your favorite food? That's like asking me if I like my mom or dad the best. It's irrelevant!
Z - Zodiac sign? Pisces - "Oh, you're a water sign." What the heck does that mean?


Jack said...

Hey katy-so the inside the loop blog you referred to today, the Erika she is taking a trip with..we went to Auburn together, was a Chi Omega with Dow, and I'm having a playdate with her twin sister, Darby, tomorrow. What a small world.

Katy said...

It IS such a small world! I think Becky had sent me some website at one point and a few websites later, I end up here. CRAZY!