Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Life of a Second-Child

This is for all you second-born people out there. We get each other.

Dad sent me this article in the mail today. Back when Archer was born in October my sister had mentioned that she and Chris felt like they were cheating on Connor. I began to realize how hard the second-born kids have it in this world. It made me wonder how my parents felt about me when I was born. I mean, did they question if they would love me as much as they loved Patrick? Probably. But of course they said, "No. Never. Not you Kathryn." Yeah, right. Dad was a second born, so he gets it.

Does me being a second-child have anything to do with my desire to be an actress? Wait, that might have more to do with me being the middle child. Do I need to stand out in everything and to get everyone's attention? Apparently so.


Anonymous said...

All mom's of 2nd children know, as soon as they hold their precious bundle, that love expands to meet the need! It's amazing, and wonderful, how it works. I didn't sleep for 2 days after you were born. It was such a special time for me!
Loving you as much as I love #1...& #3, & #4,

Lindsay said...

Believe me, you are lucky. Being an only child is the worst.

Anonymous said...

Mom is right. We weren't sure how we could love someone as much as we loved connor, but about 2 weeks after he was born, we were in total love. It just took us a while to establish that connection (Same happened with connor).
I think 2nd borns rock!

The Mitchells said...

Just had a second and Erin is so true...I love my second SO much. It really is easy to love them and love how they are already so different.

Happy early birthday while I'm writing and remember.