Monday, March 31, 2008

Note to Self #43

When preparing for a five mile race, actually do some preparation. Otherwise you're destined to feel like you've been hit by a truck. Then you'll find yourself lying on the couch for seven hours straight watching Ben Kingsley's Academy Award winning role in Gandhi. During intermission you'll decide that you do indeed need to take an intermission, so you eat a huge pizza meant for two people and then nap for two hours. Later you'll wake up a groggy mess and wonder what day it is and if you've slept through the night and forgot to go to work. When the panic subsides, you'll have enough energy to do two loads of laundry and consume a healthy dinner made up of leftover chocolate cake from a birthday party your roommate threw for her sister-in-law. Coming down from the sugar high you'll then watch yet another movie. It's well worth it since it's a Wes Anderson film. Minutes will be lost as you daydream about what it would be like to be one of Wes Anderson's friends and get to be in all his films. During this lovely daydream, you'll walk into your room and slip into bed. While sliding, you'll think to yourself, "I really must shave tomorrow."


Beck said...


and at least you did a race!

Lindsay said...

I think you've made me realize that my dream in life is to be Wes Anderson's best friend. Rushmore - best movie ever.

Anonymous said...

This is a terrible thing to do. It is silly, sad, awful ... and I think I like it. ;-) Too, Too Funny!
