Friday, February 01, 2008

Scene 1, Take 1

Today is nasty in Chicago. Be happy today if you call somewhere other than Chicago home. It snowed for nearly 20 hours straight. I had such high hopes for a snow day. Then I remembered that I live in Chicago and not Texas where they'd call a snow day with the mere threat of inclement weather.

Onto more fun topics...

In my On Camera class we are asked to select a one minute scene from a film that moves us or is from one of our favorite films. We will then rehearse it and perform it for the camera and afterwards we'll have a nifty DVD. I'll have something to show my kids someday. They can take it to school for show and tell.

I procrastinated for several weeks. I felt such pressure to find THE PERFECT film scene. I began to panic, "What IS my favorite film?" "Is there a scene that TOTALLY impacted me and changed my life?" Then I just gave up and decided to find something I enjoyed. I jokingly said I selected the final dance scene from Dirty Dancing and needed a partner. That would be AWESOME! I realized most of my favorite films are period pieces or involved a foreign language. Not gonna work. But in the end I went through my movie collection and pulled out a few that I liked but didn't completely wreak of chick-flickness. I picked out Little Miss Sunshine, The Royal Tenenbaums and Finding Neverland. The first two didn't have long enough scenes with only two people to pass the test. Finally I selected a scene with Kate Winslet (I want her career) and Johnny Depp from Finding Neverland. It's the scene where Sylvia is dying and tells John Barrie that she needs them to keep pretending that they are a family. It makes me cry everytime. Do you think Johnny Depp would do me a favor and be my scene partner? That would really help me out.

Other films or scenes from my collection that would be fun to do but would either be too difficult, not fitting for me or totally inappropriate:

1. The final dance scene in Little Miss Sunshine

2. Anything from Blue Crush
3. Any scene involving Cookie from Best in Show (we had to do a dramatic piece)

I want Winky.

4. The scene from Princess Bride when Wesley finally reveals his identity. "As you wish...."
5. Kick some ass like she did in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

That's all I got at the moment. I'm sure there's plenty more, but it's Friday and my brain is shot.

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