Tuesday, February 19, 2008

DWTS Season 6

Most of you are familiar with the short-lived Dancing with the Stars addiction I had a couple of years ago. I realized after months of professional psychiatric evaluation that my addiction was mostly founded upon my love for all things Texas, aka. Emmitt Smith. Love him! (spoken with a sing-songy voice)

Well now there's a new pack of "Stars" ready to dance their way back into the spotlight. You can read the new list here. I'll just point out a couple of my favorites:

1. Kristi Yamaguchi: I wanted to be her! Did I ever mention I used to be an ice skater? Probably. I saw her once at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, GA. We were at the women's volleyball championship and she was sitting a few rows in front of me. She was gorgeous! And so tiny! Hated her. Kidding! I love you Kristi. Come over here and let me give you a hug!

2. Steve Guttenberg: What little girl didn't fall in love with the movie Three Men and a Baby? Police Academy defined "comedy" back in the 80's. He was the man. How come in the 80's, leading men looked like Steve Guttenberg and Michael Keaton? Now they have to look like Brad Pitt or Eric Bana. I mean, I'm not complaining. Somehow we all loved the geeky, funny guy. I still do. Sorry Brad Pitt. You're good to look at but can you make me laugh? You can? Well....whatever, you ruined my point.

and....I don't think I really am excited about any of the other dancers. Plus I refuse to get into the show. I have enough to think about with LOST (seriously, how amazing was Thursday's show?) and Project Runway.

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