Friday, February 08, 2008

Friday Fun

You know how much I love LOST. I was borderline hysterical last night when I got home and realized that my DVR didn't record LOST! I only caught the last 15 minutes. I'm still recovering.

Pop Candy gave a link that you can enter in a few tidbits about yourself and Sawyer will give you a nickname. He gave me the nickname "Ladybug." Swoon!


Lindsay said...

You can always go to and watch the whole episode. That's what I do when I get to work Friday morning:)

saradgoldberg said...

My nickname is "Rinse 'n Repeat"...whatever that means.

Katy said...

Oh Sawyer, you are such a romantic sweetie.

Sara, I think Sawyer should "rinse and repeat" with his hair on the show. Only then would I be likely to run my fingers through his hair.

The first time I requested a nickname, he gave me "Wilbur." WHAT?! so I changed up some of my info. I much prefer "ladybug."

Chrys and Mike said...

He nicknamed me "Sweetheart". How boring is that? A real turn-off, Sawyer. Please be more creative.

Loved the Family Ties clip. I once had a student named Mallory who told me that she was named after "a famous actress on a big television show." Yep, she was talking about Mallory Keaton. Hilarious.

I'm still in love with Alex.


Anonymous said...

i don't really watch LOST, but did the nickname thing for kicks anyway. i am "cloudy". i don't think this nickname will move me to begin watching LOST anytime soon. disappointing.