Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Place My Hands Where?

Riddle me this: How on earth does one turn the scene I picked for my On Camera class into a seduction scene? Little innocent Kate Winslet telling little innocent Johnny Depp that she wants to keep pretending they're a family until she dies doesn't exactly seem sexy to me. Somehow teacher Doug thought so.

Thinking I'd have to gear up and get some fat tears ready for a dramatic part, I selected Fernando as my scene partner. He's a good friend. We've never done a scene together in class. It will be fun. Next thing I know Doug is telling me to play a seductress. Katy is to seductress as Ben and Jerry's is to health food. Then he tell us in front of the class to "pretend you're naked...." Uno momento. I'm sorry Doug, could you repeat that? I thought I heard you say, "pretend you're naked." Oh he said that alright, AND SO. MUCH. MORE. He was getting all Nora Roberts on us. I cannot repeat the words whispered to me in the corner that night.

Never would Fernando and I have guessed that in Monday's On Camera class our relationship would become so. much. more...in front of seven other people...and then have to watch it played back to us on video. Magic. I will never forget this as long as I live.

Why is it that I have to take acting classes to get a little action around here? It's a tough job.

Good news, we get to do it again next week. Then he's putting it on DVD for us. DO NOT count on me posting it...EVER! I'll show a private screening at my place and all proceeds will go to charity.


Anonymous said...

I just HAVE to be there for the private screening. What do you call people who cheer on loved ones to do things they'd never, ever do themselves?? That's what I am. Each of my children surprises me with their desire/nerve to do amazing things! Sometimes I wish I'd grown up with each of you as my closest friends. And I suppose there's a name for that, too. Don't bother telling me, though. I really don't want to know. (what's THAT attitude called?).
Love you,
Mom (MOM! That's the word I'm looking for!)

lindsay said...

fer-NAN-dooo!! (tongue roll)

Kate said...

I want to be in your acting class.