Thursday, February 21, 2008

Christine just introduced me to something that just might transform my life: Good Reads. My mom calls me all the time wanting book suggestions. She reads faster than anyone I know. This website would be a goldmine for her. You can find your friends online and see what books they've read, what they recommend, and you can even write your own book review. For instance:

1) Harry Potter: Go read it now because you'll absolutely fall in love with it. You'll wish you had never read it so you can read it again for the first time.

2) The Da Vinci Code: OVERRATED!

Go and explore! And let me know if you're a member so we can trade favorites.


Kellsey said...

Katy, tell your mom to check out Jasper Fforde.
She should start with the Eyre Affair.

Very clever, very fun, but a little bit on the snarky side. If she likes or knows anything about British Literature, then she will appreciate them all the more.

these are some of my FAVORITE books, and they are not sci fi.

Kellsey said...

By the way, yes, i typed the two "f's in his last name on purpose. It really is Fforde and not Forde.

Katy said...

Thanks for the recommendations Kellsey! I have actually read the first couple of the series. I don't know if my mom has or not. I'll make sure she checks out the comments for recommendations. Jane Eyre is one of my all time favorites...and you know I love all things British :-)

Beck said...

But it took you damn long enough to embrace poor Harry! And if you truly loved all things British then perhaps you wouldn't have mocked my love for Depeche Mode!