Wednesday, December 21, 2005

New Star Crush!

Okay, so maybe he's not a new star crush but he's definitely someone to think about and entertain the lonely over the holidays. Jessie, Maggie and I went to see The Family Stone last night for $5 movie night (such a bargain these free popcorn). The movie was pretty good, not great. The first half of the movie I pretty much hated everyone. No one was kind... or merciful... or normal. The one redeeming person in the movie was Luke Wilson. Therefore, I have a crush. Now I had a New Years resolution last year that I am to have no more star crushes. And I really don't have one on Luke...okay, maybe a tiny one. His character was just so likeable. Maybe in reality he wouldn't be likeable but with the mosaic of dysfunction in his family, he was a gem!

Jessie really is the one with the crush. She's stated her crush-like feelings for a while. So last night on the way home I was mentioning how he's a great guy because not only is he from Texas but also from Dallas!! Check out the film Bottle was filmed there (another Wilson/Anderson collaboration). You can see one of my old high school rival schools in one of the scenes (St. Marks). So I told her that I would probably run into him in Dallas and she went on and on about how cool that would be. I asked, "what if we meet and then I make out with would you feel?" I am so mean! She said she would be jealous but "if someone makes out with him, it might as well be a friend." Then I mentioned my concern about the danger of his pointy jaw. That could put someone in the hospital.

1 comment:

CrazyJohn said...

I saw Bottle Rocket in college. It was one of the films my friend Alex said that he and I should try to emulate... in making our own film. Don't think Alex went on to make a movie? Then you haven't seen "The Work And The Glory: The Piller Of Light". That's right. THAT Alex. (I'm important)