Tuesday, January 17, 2006

9 Minutes of Fame

Last nights improv set was more like a few minutes of play time on the stage. We found out that we were going first and that Tim was having a root canal and wouldn't be there to do the lights. Anne was running late and ended up not making it in time. I think she was mad that we went ahead and performed but we had no choice. They wouldn't let us wait a couple of minutes.

The show was fine. I think most of us were disappointed with our performances. Jeremy and James had the best scene of the night. The hilarious song is what made it funny. When the song ended, the lights were pulled. The class after us said that the set seemed really short. I thought it did too. Then I looked at my watch and we had been on stage for all of 9 minutes. I was ticked. I'll admit it. My first thought was, "I took a shower for a 9 minute show!" The other classes got their full 15 minutes. I don't know why they pulled the lights early. It ended on a high note but we had 6 minutes to try to pull off another great scene. I will have words in class on Sunday! I'm not sure what kind of words considering I'm not exactly the most confrontational person.

We did stick around to watch the Level 5 shows. They were amazing. I turned to Jason and James and said, "We have so much work to do!" It scared us a little but more than that I think we were inspired. I got really excited to do the show and to work on it. Where and when else will I have the opportunity to write a show with a talented cast, put it up on a Second City stage, have people run lights for us and have a director all at my finger tips? I think we need to make the most of this opportunity. John's class is already rehearsing outside of class. I have a feeling that we will need to do that soon.

I wrote a song for the show. It may or may not make it. The last line of the chorus is "When I walk into Victoria's Secret it makes me want to kill myself." It's a humerous song.


Anonymous said...

9 minutes? how DARE they, Dartanian?!

CrazyJohn said...

In all honesty, I don't think any of the three classes felt like their show went well. We were all flat, and it seemed like none of the classes were on top of their game. >shakes head< I was totally out of it... and couldn't do a scene without breaking. Poo on me!
If there was 9 minutes of just you in scenes, it wouldn't be enough... looks like you need to make sure Tim is always there!