Thursday, May 17, 2007


Isn't my mom gorgeous? I absolutely love this picture of us. I think we could be twinkies. (Not that by saying my mom's gorgeous am I inferring that I too am gorgeous. Humility please!)

We had so much fun being together. We haven't spent just mother/daughter time together in over a year. She is a best friend, kindred spirit, and one of my favorite people in the whole entire world! How did I get so blessed?!

I know many of you know Momma O and can give me an AMEN!

Things I love about my mother:

1) Her hugs. They are abundant and full of sincere love.
2) Her laugh. She is quick to laugh at herself and readily willing to laugh at my dorkiness.
3) Her listening ear. THE best listener in the world!
4) The way she puts on lipstick. I catch myself doing it the same way she does sometimes.
5) She's a pile-er. I make piles out of everything too.
6) Her home. She's made it beautiful but also the most comfortable place in the world.
7) Her love for her family. It's so obvious!
8) Her love for my dad. They get each other.
9) Her love/hate relationship with the dogs. She's their queen.
10) She loves wearing crazy socks. It hides her gumby tattoo (kidding!'s a unicorn)
11) Her addiction to computer games.
12) She can polish off a New York Times Crossword Puzzle in no time.
13) Her love for books rubbed off on me.
14) She doesn't gossip. She only cares about loving other people.
15) She embraces my friends as if they were her own kids.
16) She's the definition of peace. She's so easy to be around...and so likeable!
17) Her purse addiction.
18) She's the hostess with the mostess.
19) She is self-sacrificing. She always puts others before herself.
20) Her love for Christ and her sweet personal faith.

I could keep going but I'll stop at 20. I hope I am growing up to be like her. I love you mom!


Beck said...

OH my goodness - Amen, truly.

Buns, one more thing about Carol: She can be so happy in no makeup, shorts, playing in the outdoors and being low-maintenance. Then in the very next breath she can suggest that everyone go get pedicures and some sort of pampering. I love it - she's the true yin yang of being a real woman!

Anonymous said...

Yep - she's STUNNING. So's the one on the right. :-)


Jess Lindsay said...

Whoever took that picture is an amazing photographer!! Wait... I think that was me! I, jessie, am an amazing photographer!

Kellsey said...

Katy, I LOVE your mom. I miss her, too! I haven't seen her in ages, but I always felt so welcomed by her. I always felt like she was excited about me and what I cared about and asked great questions about what was going on in my life.

Your mom ROCKS! I wish I lived in Dallas so i could go visit her. I want her to meet Aidan and Honor. Heck, I want YOU to meet Aidan and Honor, too!