Thursday, May 10, 2007

My Waist is a Little Lower Than That

Monday night's rehearsal was a little upclose and personal. During a dance sequence Paul is supposed to grab my waist and then lift me up while turning around. It's all very ice capades-ish. He must have gotten flustered because when it came time for this move he puts his hands out and says, "Um. Ummm."

I said, "The lift. Grab me by the waist."

Paul: "Um. Ummm." And then he places his hands a little higher than my waist. They were more in the breast region. Basically, I got felt up.

Paul: "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it."

Me: "Don't worry. My bra's a little padded so I couldn't feel anything."**

Paul: "Yeah, I noticed."

Gee, thanks.

This has happened to me before in rehearsals. I'm assuming they are accidental. I mean, I know these B-cups can be pretty tempting and all...

**And let me clarify that my bra is a little padded because I prefer not being a weather thermometer. I don't want people to look at my chest and say, "Yeah, it's definitely cold." It's not because I have some sort of insecurity or need to walk around with my boobs heaved so high that they touch my chin. I rest my case.

1 comment:

William A. Orender said...

KATY!! are so wierd I swear your adopted haha! Just kidding, love ya sis!!