Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas 2008

Greetings one and all! I hope I find you all filled with enough joy, chocolate, and turkey to last you the rest of the year. Considering I haven't gone to "THE" bathroom (to be explained in a moment) in five days, you can say I'll survive until the New Year. I can just hear my mother saying with a gasp, "Katy! It always goes back to that doesn't it?" Mom, it's been a big part of my thought process the past 24 hours, so yes, yes it does.

Christmas in Texas was fantastic. The weather made me question why I ever left. I think I wore a coat twice. But that's not important - though it will be tomorrow when it's in the teens here in Chicago. What's important is that my family succumbed to the stomach flu. We were taken down one at a time, or in some cases, three at a time.

Archer was sick the weekend before Christmas, then Chris was down for the count on Tuesday. Erin escaped to the parent's house hoping to save her children. All was fine and dandy until after our annual trip to The Tuttle home for Christmas Eve dinner. We all ate like champs, caught up on each other's lives, and exchanged gifts. Before I hopped in the car for the 1/4 mile drive home, I began to feel a little...off. Yep, two hours later it was me and my toilet hugging it out. I'll spare you the details.

Weak and fragile I descended the stairs Christmas morning to the news that both my Mom and brother, Andrew, were also sick. We were quarantined and Patrick, Alicia, and Liam were told to stay away, very far far away. I don't think I saw my Mom until the afternoon. We pretended it wasn't Christmas and held off until the next day. I took about four naps in between watching a documentary of the Dallas Cowboys' Super Bowl seasons. (made me cry it was so good) Was it worth it to lose a couple of pounds of "holiday weight"? I can't believe I'm saying this, but no. Absolutely not worth it at all. I've been stock-piling ever since (hence my aforementioned problem).

Friday morning we woke up like every Christmas we've celebrated and gathered as a family to open presents. It felt just like Christmas should feel. Plus we had enough energy to open gifts.

I feel incredibly blessed to have been with my family and to share in the Christmas spirit...and other things.

I want to say thank you to my dad and Erin who were champion caretakers of us miserable three. Gingerale and Motrin - you were my best friends.

I wish you all a Happy New Year!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Another Gift Idea

For all you Chicago fans, or friends of Chicago fans, check out this poster as a potential gift. I saw the idea on dooce.com.

Save Pushing Daisies for My Sister

Please do this for my sister. A note from her:

Katy, would you mind putting this on your blog? I know you have a bunch of viewers. It can be a stocking stuffer to me :)Pushing Daises is my absolute favorite show in the entire world. It is quirky, funny, and none of the smut that is on tv today. If you actually had time to watch tv I promise that you would LOVE this show. They have canceled it, and its breaking my heart!

I do watch T.V., but I only watch the smut.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Chicago Commute

Last night was a wintery wonderland. I heard from a few friends who had four and a half hour commutes home from work last night. Mine only took me an hour and fifteen minutes. That's about 25 minutes per mile. The commute may have been ugly but the view was spectacular.

Sunday night I hardly slept. The wind was howling and woke me up nearly every hour. I was ready to get up by the time my alarm went off and I had to head to my workout. It was seven degrees and I can't even begin to explain the wind chill factor when I turned the corner to walk to my car. I was at full tilt and barely moving against the wind. My door was frozen shut and after pulling with all my might I finally creaked it open. It almost slammed shut on me as I hopped in the car. I turned the car on to heat it up, grabbed my ice scrapper and prepared for the impossible. A sheet of ice had glued itself to my windshield. After five seconds of scraping, I realized it was useless. My face was burning from the wind and I quickly grabbed my things out of my car. The wind blew from behind and scooted me out to the sidewalk from the long alley. For the first time in my five years here I caught a cab to the gym. It really was scary windy outside. It was like those windy days when you wait by the bus stop and fear that the bus stop sign is going to be blown off the pole and decapitate you. Luckily I'm still alive.

Romance Addicts Beware


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Twilight Before Christmas

For those Twilight fans who loved the books, but not so much the movie. HI-LARIOUS!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Wish List

The economy has gone crazy and you're not sure what to ask for for Christmas. Should we just abandon the tradition of giving gifts this Christmas all together? Nay! It does a soul good to give and receive gifts - no matter how big or small. Here are a few ideas if you're busy racking your brain:

1. Snow-dwellers will love a pair of these Hunter Originals! Keep your toes dry this winter.

2. I'm looking at getting one of these to back up my precious photos and music. Any thoughts on the Apple Time Capsule?

3. Board Games. Some love them, some hate them. But don't come between an Orender and their scrabble board! I was crushed when Facebook no longer had Scrabulous. CRUSHED!

4. Rings are the rage! Cocktail and statement rings are everywhere. Here are a few from Anthropologie.

5. Speaking of Anthropologie, pretty much sign me up for any of these outfits. Dad, are you listening?

6. Pucker up! I LOVE my new evening lip color. It makes a statement and isn't for the bashful. But with the right attitude, anyone can pull it off. I use Laura Mercier's Lip Stain in Scarlet.

7. For the fashionista, click here for more ideas.

8. I need a new tea kettle. The old one was left behind by an old roommate.

9. Give your feet a gift - Tory Burch flats.

10. I hear all men love this fragrance. Is that true?

11. My friend, Christy, makes these personalized necklaces. I gave my mom one last year and she loves it.

12. Give the unexpected. Threadless t-shirts can be very personal and fun.

What are you giving people for Christmas?


Last night I cozied up on the couch by the lighted Christmas tree with my cup of hot cocoa and watched The Holiday. I can't help it that I find this sappy movie so completely adorable. I caught myself smiling throughout the whole thing. The horror! To smile throughout a movie and actually enjoy it? I don't understand.

Anyway, it brought back memories of two years ago and my post about Jude Law's chest hair. Click here for your reading pleasure.

I also realized that I blogged much more last year. I'm so sorry for having abandoned you so often these past few months! Hold tight little ones. Mommy has been working hard to provide for the family and hates being away as much as you do.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

The LB's

Why does news of Oprah's weight gain make me feel better? Whenever she gets really in shape the voice in my head yells a loud "UGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Progression of Thought

Liam is laughing one minute.

And the next he's worried that he hit his brain.

Liam is probably one of the most entertaining kids I've ever known. He can laugh on cue and he's a master in the art of immitation. Last night Patrick put Liam on the phone and said, "Say 'Praise the Lord' Liam." Next thing I know, Liam is joyfully shouting "PRAISE THE LORD!" in my ear. Patrick played the guitar and Liam took the guitar stand and pretended like he was singing into the microphone. He loves to lift up his shirt to show you his belly button while making a fart noise with his mouth. I tell you what, he'll keep you laughing for days.

You Hear What You Want to Hear

My brother-in-law Chris is a fabulous baker. He'd be the first to tell you. He bragged that he won the baking award in his high school class...TWICE! (Who wants to do shop class when all the girls are in home-ec? We had a couple of family friends over for Thanksgiving. As I'm shoving a nice helping of brownies in my mouth, one of them asks me, "Who made the brownies?" With my mouth full I said, "The Master Baker." After a couple moments of silence, they all asked at the same time, "What did you say?" "I said, "The Master Ba...oh, hey, wait. No, that's not what I said. I said The Master BaKer."

Chris liked that one.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I Just Want to Be Free!

Erin called yesterday and said she had a hilarious dream about me. She dreamed that she was visiting Chicago with a few of her friends and knocked on my door. When I opened it, I was naked. She, all embarrassed, said, "Katy, put on some clothes!" I responded with, "But Erin, this is who I am now. I've chosen not to wear clothes." She thought I was kidding. But no, I went out in public and met her friends (as she slowly died inside). She said no one looked twice at me as I walked down the street. She was the only one who thought it was weird. Then she went to tell my mom about me and perhaps have an intervention. When mom answered the door, she was naked. NICE!

My one question to my sister was, "How did I look? Hot?"

I found these on PostSecret and thought they were appropriate. (Don't read too far down on the website this week because they posted a really nasty picture that's apparently making people sick. I did not look at it because I would probably never get it out of my head. Beckles, I know you're tempted.)

Friday, November 21, 2008

What I'm Doing This Weekend

A couple of weeks ago I received an email from a film student at a college here in Chicago. She said she ran across my headshot and was interested in me playing the lead in one of her student films. She said the lead is lonely, sad, in a dead-end marriage, and that the part required "brief nudity done tastefully." How do I put this? "NO!" I actually said, "Thank you so much for contacting me but I don't feel comfortable with nudity. Good luck with your project." We all know I'm totally fine with nudity - but not on film or to be shown to people! Crisis avoided.

A week goes by and I get another email saying that she changed the script and nudity is no longer required. Well, I'm not doing anything else so I said okay. We'll be filming all weekend out in the suburbs. Auntie is kind enough to let me stay with her this weekend since she lives 15 minutes from where we're shooting. Thanks Auntie!

I decided to do it because there are two parts in the script that will make me go way outside of my comfort zone and I can experiment in a safe environment where the stakes aren't high and I can play with it. The first is a scene by myself in a bathroom where I basically go nuts and beat myself up. Did I mention that she wants this film to be in the vein of "Dancer in the Dark"? That's probably the saddest and most depressing movie I have ever seen. Tracy, remember my swollen face and unstoppable sobbing? It was brilliant, but so utterly tragic that I can never watch it again. Bjork should have one the Oscar by the way.

The second is a scene where I have to kiss the other lead. It's all my initiative and I end up getting massively rejected. Who enjoys that? Not me. So when I met the director I realized she was really young - fresh out of high school. Immediately I asked the age of the other lead. She said he was 26. WHEW! Saved by the bell on that one. I mean, what if he was her age and it would basically be kissing someone the same age as my little brother and his friends. Yikes!

Well, it turns out that he couldn't do it and so she had to get someone else. I show up to the set yesterday and meet the guy - who is very nice and easy to talk to. They met on their way to college. GULP! I don't even want to know his official age but I can almost guarantee that it has a "teen" on the end of it. Oh dear Lord! Seriously, am I breaking any laws here? I'm just not going to think about it. I am a professional! I can handle this professionally! I mean, old guys kiss 22 year olds all the time in movies. Think Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta Jones. Yeah, okay. Cringer.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So yesterday a few of us bored co-workers played MASH at an inappropriate time during the day. But hey, whatever. We played celebrity MASH in which we picked three good ones and one not so good one. I can't remember my not-so-good celebrity but I do remember that I put down a mini-van and my current job as options.

Here's my story:

I am married to Hugh Jackman and we live with our one child in a shack. I drive to and from my current job in Chicago in a mini-van. My co-workers laughed because half of the MASH is already true. I can't even win with MASH!

But wait, look what I read this morning. Things are looking up in the Jackman household!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bat Cave

I did it! I finally finished the Twilight series! I have hidden in my little cave for the past couple of weeks - pun INTENDED! Get it? Vampires? Cave? Bats? All I've been doing is reading. Now I can have a life again. I can shower, eat, socialize, floss, and remember that I have family and friends - real family and friends who do not exist only on paper or in my imagination.

I was oh so tempted to head to the mall yesterday to attend a meet and greet with the "star" of the Twilight movie. I would have had to fight with pre-teen girls. No one is stronger than a pre-teen girl. So I just couldn't do it. Plus, what would I have said to the guy? "Hi, I'm old enough to be your mother. I'm a COOOOOGAAAAAR!" Okay, so not mother, but definitely former baby-sitter. Creepy.

I seriously can't handle all the buzz the movie is receiving. It's making me dizzy. Sigh.

Friday, November 07, 2008


I am so addicted to the Twilight series. I am tempted to stay home from work so I can read all day and all night. I am in love with a 17 year old vampire. And I'm not the only one. This really isn't good for my tendency to fantasize. Forbidden love, gorgeous vampires, danger, rescue, love...its a recipe to suck me right in and make me disappear into their world. Sometimes I look up from reading and expect to see the characters. That or I forget the world is going on around me.

The movie is coming out in two weeks! You can bet I'll be lined up early with all the giggling pre-teen girls. I'll probably join in with the giggling.

My Hilarious Brothers

Last night my little brother, Andrew, sent me this email:

I heard the news that you landed a job to have your picture used in advertising! It was so hard to believe until your face started popping up in the mall! It was great to brag about you being my sister when I showed my friends your picture on a poster or a billboard in the mall. I took pictures to show you what you look like! I am so proud of you!

Love Andrew

He thinks he's SO funny. And he's right. I laughed out loud. He could have at least picked more attractive pictures of me!

Then I get an email from my other brother, Patrick, this morning. His friend, Stuart, is a model. You can understand the perpetual crush I've had since 5th grade after seeing this picture.

As you can see, I'm not the only funny one in the family.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Human Knot

Last night at rehearsal for The Senate, we played a few warm-up/group-mind games. One of them was the ol' human knot game. You stand in a circle and grab someone's hand with your right hand and another person's hand with your left hand. Then you have to work silently to untangle the knot. I've done this about 1,000 times - and that was at camp. No telling how many more times I've done this with improv groups. I'm 32 and still playing the human knot game. I love it.

At one point I found that it was my turn to cross over a sea of clasped hands. People bent down so you could climb over their arms and reach the other side. The problem is that your butt usually ends up in someone's face. I silently regretted not wearing a belt. As I crawled over the arms and hands, a few came precariously close to...you know...we'll call it "ground zero." My only thought was, "why oh why of all days did I have to start my period today."

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Print Ad

I did something fun and unique last week. I was booked as a model for a print ad. Well, I wouldn't necessarily say "Tyra Banks" model, but I like using the word "model" none-the-less. This was my first print ad and a total learning experience. I will never look at billboards and posters the same; especially if it has me on it.

I was told to meet at North Avenue Beach last Thursday at 6:45 am. All I knew was that there would be two trailers and I was to bring some options for running clothes and then some casual saturday afternoon type clothes. I show up dragging my large bag into the trailer and met the other models (I can't help myself). The wardrobe people and clients had me pull out my stuff. They asked that I wear the black spandex pants (Lord have mercy!) with a turquoise fleece and yellow running vest. I had not a stitch of makeup on my face.

Next thing you know, we're running up and down the bike path by the lake. "Go. Okay, stop! Go back. Do it again. One more time. You step out of the shot. Now run with her like you're running buddies." Meanwhile, we're freezing because it was on the colder side off a fall morning. Then we ran on the beach while the sun rose over the water. It really was a spectacularly beautiful morning. I was the only "extra" there and they couldn't show my face in the pics. They weren't paying me enough! If you see the posters in O'Hare, you might possibly see my lovely arse in spandex running down the path.

One of the guys in the shots asked, "So do you do a lot of modeling?" I almost had to pick myself up off the ground. "Um, no. This is my first time. I usually focus more on the acting." Bless his little heart. I almost kissed him right then and there.

Next, I headed in the mobile home to a hot dog place in Lakeview. I was wind-whipped and thawing by the time we reached the stop. I was glad to have a friend with me who had also been booked for the shoot. It makes the whole thing much less intimidating. We met other people who were also going to be in the shoot. I changed into the selected jeans and cute top. I also had my hair and makeup done in the trailer. I love that part! I could have fallen asleep in the chair. It's one of the best things ever. I could get used to it.

I was starving and another girl and I had to sit at a table with our hands holding onto a hot dog. But not eating it. Pure torture. We did some casual conversing while the photographer took some pictures. Then they saw a cute kid who happened to come into the store with his mother. They signed him on the spot and used him in some pictures. I had to play his mom and it was basically my job to make him laugh. Success! They only saw my hand or hair in the picture. At one point I have my hand on the table and from behind the photographer puts some lotion on my hand and says, "You're a little ashey." Well, it was cold and I was at the lake and it was windy! I had no idea I'd be a hand model today! Otherwise I would have at least shaped them up a little. They were pretty bad. So if you see a hand with hang nails on a billboard, it's mine.

Now I can add actress/model to my resume. Me and Fabio - taking over the world, one print ad at a time.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Happy Halloween from Texas

Sadly I wasn't home to see the boys in action. Here are a few pictures of what I missed.

To Be a Mermaid on Someone's Arm

I'm changing this blog to telling stories solely about my hotness. It's edifying.

Thursday night I went to a diner near my apartment for dinner with Amanda. She had to leave just as the bill came (of course!) to go to a haunted house. No thanks! So I walked up to the register to pay for dinner. The man working the counter is also in charge of the place. He's incredibly extraverted and LOVES his job. He took my debit card and said, "Huh, Mary. I could hook up with you and it wouldn't matter. I could call out your name and my wife wouldn't think twice because her name is Mary." Oh my word. Inappropriate! Then he continues by pulling up his shirt sleeve to reveal his forearm. He said, "See, this is my wife." It was a tattoo of a mermaid. A mermaid and her exposed boobs. "Wow, well your wife is way more beautiful than I am." "Oh no. I took notice of you when you walked in. You've got incredible features. You're like a fourties or fifties bombshell moviestar. Don't worry. I'm flirting with you but I'm not hitting on you. Just flirting." I just left it with a "thank you and I already left the tip on the table."

Support the Troops

Below is a letter from my brother-in-law, Chris. He's writing for support of his organization, Heroes4Heroes. It's a wonderful organization and a worthy cause. What an amazing way to show the troops our gratitude by giving even during these tough economic times.

Dear family and friends,

Most of you know that I started a charity almost three years ago called Heroes4Heroes. We work directly with the military to send out care packages consisting of portable media like comics books, DVD's, video games, magazines and books. This year we were able to send out over 3,000 care packages, 40,000 comics, 800 DVD's and 600 books. We are holding our Live Art Fundraiser this weekend on Nov. 8th at the Sheraton Arlington. I am writing this email to encourage you all to come to the event and to ask you for your help. Last year our event venue was free and this year it will cost us about $5,000. Anything you could give will go a long way to helping us achieve our goal of sending out 10,000 care packets in 2009. H4H is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization and ALL, 100% of our fundraising goes directly to the cause. All our staff are volunteers and we pay no saleries of any kind. Please consider donating either on our website www.heroes4heroes.org/donate/ or send us a check directly made out the

9905 Boston Harbor Dr.
Aubrey, TX 76227

I have attached a brochure where you can read all about our organization and even read the letter we got from Gen. Petraeus and a letter from a soldier who recieved one of our packets (go to the website to view information). Please forward this on to all your friends who have a heart for the young men and women serving in harms way to protect our freedoms and give freedom to people who have never had it.

Chris McCroskey

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

More Eliot Mooney

Guess what?! See more of Eliot & the Mooney's on Oprah this Friday. Set your DVR.

Happy First Birthday Archer!

Mr. Adorable turns one today! Join with me in wishing Archer a Happy First Birthday!

He sure has grown big over the past 12 months. His smile can make a granite heart melt. He's full of laughter, singing, and he constantly talks. He's taking a couple steps here, a couple steps there and soon enough he'll be running around chasing after Connor. He is a complete joy!

Happy Birthday buddy!

Something that Makes Me Happy

...Polishing off the final Post-It Note and getting to pick a new color. Fresh package + fresh color = satisfaction guaranteed.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

99 Balloons

Today Eliot's story will be told on Oprah. Please set your DVR's or if you're in Chicago, you can watch it at 11:00 tonight.

Two years ago today Eliot went to be with Jesus. You can watch his story below. It's a beautiful story of one strong little boy and two loving and courageous parents.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Harvest Scent

Saturday I went with Alyson and JC to Ulta. It was their friends and family sale. 20 % off of everything you'd ever want when it comes to hair product, perfume, appliances, make up, nail polish, etc. We were in heaven! I'm wandering around the store with my big green puffy coat slung over my purse (yes, it was frigid and windy - slight tears rolling down my cheeks as I write this. Goodbye summer!) holding my shampoo and conditioner. I see rows of Yankee candles and have to go over there to smell them!

I'm a sucker for fall and Christmas smelling candles. Well, fall and Christmas smelling anything: Fireplaces, pumpkin chai tea, gingerbread, apple cider, evergreen trees...I'm practically drooling for the holidays (she says as she slings a handful of M&M's in her mouth thanks to a co-worker. How dare she bring in Halloween candy!). Stay on target, Katy! So I see the "harvest" candle in front of me. I go to pick up the candle and remove the lid so I can breathe deeply the scent of fall harvest. The lid won't pop off. So I lift it up towards me to get a better grip and next thing I know...SHATTERED! Fall Harvest shattered all over the floor of the Ulta! Horror! I wanted to run away, but instead I just let out a mournful and pitiful, "Shhiiiiiiuuuuuuuuuuut." And right then you think, "I knew better than to do that!" I actually had a flash of the candle dropping just before I picked it up. Do I have a sixth sense or was this a case of a self-fulfilled prophesy?

I put on my big girl pants and told a nice young woman what I had done. We took the death march over to the scene of the crime. She with her broom, me with my red face. I asked to pay for it and she said not to worry about it because it happens all the time. Thank God! The candle was $22. Eek!

Just another day in the life of being me. Clumsy, cookie-craving me.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

You Have to Email Him!

Kelly and I had lunch together on Thursday. As we walked to the corner so she could catch a cab, we noticed a man look at us and then he smiled and said, "Hello." We did the courteous exchange and then continued on our way. Then out of the corner of my eye I see him cross the street, turn around and smile at us again. Huh. "Kelly, someone is totally checking us out. I'm not sure which one of us. It could be either or both. Probably both, I mean OBVIOUSLY!"

So we hug goodbye and I wait for the light to change so I can cross the street and walk back to my office. But wait, the man appeared again on the opposite corner. So I walked by, turned and he said, "How you doin'." I smiled as I kept walking and murmured a quiet, "Fine, thanks!" Then I hear, "Wait, excuse me. Excuse me. I just...I want to give you my card. Will you take my card? You are just so beautiful. I had to come back around just to see you (slightly creepy, but flattering. They often go hand in hand.) Beautiful." "Oh, thanks. You're really kind." Notice, this is when I start getting flustered and turn into a 12 year old girl with braces. "What is your name? I'm _____. I would love to give you my card." Blah blah blah. I really don't remember what happened next other than saying "thank you" and making my way back to work.

All the girls at the office are mad at me because I won't email the guy. He's a sports writer for a Chicago newspaper. I know, he sounds ideal and they keep saying things like, "But what a fun story! You could tell people at your wedding rehearsal dinner how you met!" GEESH! Slow down! My word. I don't feel too comfortable emailing the guy. I know it could make for a very interesting story. I'm reminded once again of something wise and truthful my dear brother, Patrick, once spoke - "Single people are entertainment for married people." You ain't kiddin'!

I do want to give props to the man because he's much more courageous than most.

Skinny Pants

You know your pants are too tight when you can see the outline of your thong in the back. Thank God for long sweaters.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Mooney Family

Congratulations to Matt & Ginny Mooney! Their daughter, Hazel Emerson, was born yesterday. You may have followed their son, Eliot's story last year. Please read his story if you have not already. This is a truly blessed day for the Mooney family!

Rachel Zoe Project

I have been OBSESSED with this show. I won't even say it's a guilty pleasure. It's just a pleasure. I love fashion and I especially love the Hollywood glitz and glamour around Oscar Season. I may be an actress but I'm more likely to watch the red carpet show and turn it off before the awards begin. I would DIE to get to dress up like that one day. Sigh.

I'm sad the season is over. I now imitate Rachel Zoe with almost everything I say. I also want a big bad gold panther ring and over-sized sunglasses. I can hardly help myself.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

I Love Shoes

I just made two shoe purchases on Zappos. I've thought long and hard about it and feel good about my choices. So this winter I will be sporting the following shoes:

Saucony Originals Courageous in Gray. They remind me of the New Balance 990's but at a far cheaper price.

Mizuno Wave-Inspire for running. I hope they really do inspire me to get out there and run. Maybe they'll even magically make my legs move fast and far! They were even on sale!
I just had second breakfast. I'm looking forward to elevenses.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


I, Katy Orender, was interviewed this past Sunday by WGN Radio host, Dean Richards. They wanted to interview someone who coordinated the Walk. They had a remote trailer at our Walk site. It was fun and exciting! Of course I was nervous. I often get the "jeopardy" syndrome which basically means that I know the answer to everything until someone asks me and I have to answer under pressure.

When asked about our mission I said, "Well, our mission is simple. It's um, um...(so simple I'm forgetting) um..." Thankfully I was quick to come up with, "um, to find a cure for diabetes and its complications through the support of research." I think I also used the words "cure" and "research" a bazillion times. But quickly I warmed up and bantered about the Cubs, spandex and donating on our website. Whew!

Enjoy some pics!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Today I am wearing a turtleneck and the most adorable plaid bomber jacket. Fall is here. Last night I switched out my closet. It felt good to get it done. But I have to admit that I'm dreading winter - even though I love the clothes.

(this picture is from when I bought it this summer. See, I was thinking ahead!)

I Love You

Yesterday I was a little out of it. I ended a business phone call with, "okay. Thanks. Love you. Bye." My co-worker yells over the cube wall, "Um, Katy, I think you just said 'I love you.'" I don't think its the first or the last time that will happen.

God help me! The walk I organize for work takes place this Sunday. That's why I've been M.I.A. I've actually had to work! I had to work so hard last week that I cried. I've been stressed and even lost a few pounds (no complaints here!). So pray for sunny, dry weather this weekend. It rained last year. I can handle it again, but it's much more fun with no rain.

The play is over :( boo hiss. But the family did make it in town this past weekend to see the play. It was fabulous fun! Miss the cast and miss my family.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


This post is brought to you by Davy. Smiles are complimentary.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Happy 40th Mom and Dad!

My parents celebrated their 40th Wedding Anniversary last month. In honor of their love for each other and for their family, us kiddos wrote a book about their lives and their love story. Fifty page later, we finally gave it to them. It was the greatest gift to us kids to be able to write this story for them. I laughed and cried while writing their story. To watch them read it together was an immense blessing.

While writing and looking at pictures, I realized how much my mom and I look alike. I knew it before, but now, there's no doubt I'm her kid! (that and the fact she gave birth to me)

Here's a picture of Mom and Dad the night of their engagement and one of me and Dad dancing at Jeff & Alyse's Wedding this April in Austin.

Thank you to everyone who helped put this book together...and for keeping it a secret! I highly recommend doing something like this as a gift. It's a fun labor of love!

Only In the South...

The last two paragraphs of this article cannot be passed by:

Jones said he hadn't stepped foot in a church in the 40 years he has lived on this spit of land. And he wasn't ready to call his survival divine intervention.

"I drink beer and chase women, gamble, cuss," Jones said. "You can't call that religion. I'm either too good, the devil won't have me, or I'm so bad the Good Lord won't take me. That's a good toss-up."

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

America's Team 2-0

CLASSIC! This is why we don't like the Eagles. Cowboys 41, Eagles 37. What an insane and fun game to watch. Go America's Team!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Dancing at the Revolution Opening Night

The show finally opened! We opened to a full house that included Dad, Auntie and a few friends. The theater is quirky, eccentric and has no air conditioning. I was basically wiping the rivers of sweat off my face the whole play. It wasn't our best performance by any means. Definitely not mine. But we got the jitters out and each show keeps getting better and better. It's amazing how different each audience is and how each show brings out something new in the play. I'm still making discoveries which keeps doing the same thing every night interesting.

I will post pictures sometime of myself looking like a school marm. The wardrobe and the hair does nothing for my looks!

Thanks to everyone who came out to support me and to those who will be making the trek soon.

Oh, dad and Auntie grew up a block away from this theater. It was fun hearing about what the neighborhood was once like.

Labor Day Weekend

I never posted pictures of my trip home for Labor Day weekend. Here are a few from the fabulous trip home. It was mostly me chasing babies around. I loved it.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Boys Will Be Boys

Finally! New pictures of the boys posted. I just can't get enough of them! Check out the McCroskey Boys and Lonestar Liam.

Cowboys vs. Eagles

Oh, Jessica. Please don't. Just don't. Please. PLEASE. PLEASE!!!!

Take off that jersey before you curse them.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Opening Day

Show opens today!  It's almost 1:00 am and I just got home from rehearsal.  It's been a long week but tomorrow it will be worth it.

Here are some pictures from the set and dress rehearsal.

Time to sleep.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Alley Thief

A couple of weeks ago I walk out to my car to drive to rehearsal. I'm parked in an alley, along with hundreds of other cars, in tight little parking places on a slant (makes for fun times in winter). I start my car and immediately it sounded like a hot rod. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY CAR?! Not only that, but my key has been getting stuck in the ignition and I can't turn off my car. As I've mentioned before, when all hell breaks loose with anything vehicular, I never feel more alone or single.

I made a few phone calls and decided it must be my muffler. I drive to the car fix-it place with my sunglasses on and my hand waving a "Hi, yes I know my car is rather deafening at the moment. Sorry about that." The mechanic says to me, before he's even looked at my car, "I think your converter was stolen." WHAT? First of all, what's a converter? And second of all, why would someone steal it? A few hundred dollars later, I found out why. Because it's worth a few hundred dollars! Someone said they just saw this on Dateline. Thanks Dateline for teaching people how to steal converters. Well, my car is O-L-D. So take that thieves! You got a rotten, old, nasty, rusty converter. Sell that! You probably did me a favor. I have a nice, new, pretty converter.

I also discovered that I needed a whole new cylinder for my ignition. We've been through a lot of years together, my car and I. I'll be sad the day I have to let it go.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Dancing at the Revolution

Yes I am alive! But barely!

Here is my show information. We open in almost a week! Until then, it will be crazy rehearsals, tech rehearsals, and dress rehearsals. In case you didn't catch the theme - I'll be rehearsing.

Here's the postcard with all the show information!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Cold Winter?

I pray that the Farmer's Almanac is wrong about the weather this winter.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cranky Pants

Today is one of those days when I think, "I don't get paid enough."

Monday, August 18, 2008

Change Everything

Last night in rehearsal I was told, "I like where you're going with the mother hen thing. The neck is definitely much better. I'm not seeing as much of the sororiety neck. Do you do yoga? I need you to tuck your pelvis under so your chest and backside aren't sticking out so much. But still elongate the neck. I also want you to walk with more grounded, heavier steps, yet still glide around."

I have got my work cut out for me. I have a big butt. It's been well documented. You can't try and contain it. So I'll work on walking heavily while gliding. And let it also be documented the my chest sticks out too far! Yes!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Drunk with Love...for Ice Cream

I love this picture of Connor. Perhaps because I identify with it. That's me when I eat Ben and Jerry's. Oh, Ben and Jerry's. I haven't had you in so long!

Archer at the Park

Wish I was playing with this kid today. Those eyes and that smile...so cute!

Monday, August 11, 2008

New Playlist

Last night I pulled together a new playlist. It was about time. It has some new tunes and oldie but goodies. Here it is!

1. The Garden by Mirah - yes, this was on SYTYCD. Loved the song and loved the dance. I adore the show - Go Joshua! yay!
2. Rehab by Amy Winehouse - She's messed up. I get it. But love her music.
3. Chasing Pavement by ADELE - Thanks Patrick!
4. I Wanna Be Sedated by The Ramones - in honor of Beckles labor.
5. Trouble by Ray LaMontagne - going to see him October 1st at the Chicago Theater!
6. Sometimes You Can't Make it on Your Own by U2 - makes me cry.
7. Hush by Waterdeep - also makes me cry.
8. Mercy by Duffy - a SYTYCD favorite. It also happens to be a favorite of my dad's. He dances like a mad-man to it. Gotta love any song that does that!
9. Mama He's Crazy by The Judds - I'm always in the mood for The Judds.
10. Sexy Mistake by The Chalets - I could run to this song...if I wanted to run.
11. Closer to You by Brandi Carlile - soulful like Ray LaMontagne.
12. All I Want is You by Barry Louis...something or other - Juno soundtrack
13. You Know I'm Not So Good by Amy Winehouse - please see above.
14. In Lonesome Dove by Garth Brooks - makes me nostalgic for the good ol' days.
15. Romeo and Juliet by Indigo Girls - reminds me of me and Beckles singing at the top of our lungs in my car with the windows down.
16. Mona Lisa by Indigo Girls - ditto
17. I Don't Ever Give Up by Patty Griffin - good song if you're an actress.
18. Diamonds On the Souls of Her Shoes by Paul Simon - good, solid, awesome song.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Kathryn Davy Page

Kathryn Davy Page was born at 9:59 a.m. on Saturday morning, August 9. She is beautiful! Becky and Davy are doing wonderfully and looking forward to going home from the hospital.

I had two hours of sleep Friday night and woke up at 7:30 a.m. to my phone ringing. After wondering, "who the heck is calling me!" I suddenly thought, "It's got to be Becky!" Sure enough it was Russ letting me know that Becky was in labor and they should be holding their little girl in a couple of hours. The next time he called his first words were, "She's beautiful! She's so beautiful." You could tell he was still in awe and wonder of his little girl. Becky sounded so happy, so good, and so incredibly exhausted. She was a champ and refused drugs until she got an epideral.

Davy is named after Sheldon Vanauken's wife in Russ and Becky's favorite book, A Severe Mercy. They fell in love with each other while reading this book. I love it! As for Kathryn...it made me cry! This girl is already so precious to me and I haven't even met her yet.

Here are a couple of pictures. Becky, I hate you for looking so beautiful after just giving birth! I'm sure there will be more pictures soon. Congratulations Becky and Russ! And welcome to the world Davy Page!

Friday, August 08, 2008

Hello! I'm Home!

Oh dear me! It has been a long while since I've blogged. I'm sorry I've abandoned you! As you'll soon read, I've been one busy girl.

After I was cast in a play last week, I began to mourn the fact that my summer was practically over. Rehearsals almost every night and shows every weekend in September don't leave much time for me to bask in the glory of the sun. I also had not been home since March and began feeling anxious about not being able to go until mid-October. I've been homesick for Texas for two months and was sad to miss out on my family, friends, the lakehouse and the warm sun. I came home from work Thursday evening and told my roommates how I was feeling and said, "I mean, I wish I had planned to go home this weekend. It's the only one where I don't have anything." They looked at me and said, "Katy, you know your dad. He'd bring you home in a heartbeat." Oh yeah!

Immediately I ran to my room and called my parents who were on their way to see the Jersey Boys. We gave dad tickets for Father's Day. Such perfect timing! They were giddy and I booked my flight and flew home three hours later. I was jumping up and down with excitement. I felt a little out of control and like I hadn't thought it through totally. But at that point, I didn't care. Plus I love a little spontenaeity. Drewby had the honor of picking me up at midnight. That's one of the reasons my parents are thrilled to have had a kid late in life. He's young enough to be awake at midnight on a Thursday night.

The house smelled like home and my room was like an emotional hug. We left first thing Friday morning for the Lakehouse. This place is a gift from God and a refuge for the weary. Erin and Archer drove out to play with us. I was basically Andrew and his girlfriend's third wheel. I didn't care! They needed me anyways so we could wakeboard behind the jetski. We cliff jumped, wakeboarded, swam, boated around Possum Kingdom, played night time tennis, and laughed the whole time! My favorite memory of the weekend was tubing behind the jetski with Erin. As Andrew later said, "I mean, Erin's fun. And of course Katy's fun. But we've got to figure out how to get her to move back here because when they get together, they are hilarious!" We were screaming and laughing and struggled to stay on top of the tube. Sweet Drew had more mercy on us than I had on he and Jordy. We polished the night off with a little night time game of Chicken Fights in the pool. I haven't done that since High School. Erin and I made a strong team.

I also got to see Beckles! This was a huge blessing because she is about to give birth any day now and I had not seen her since March. She looks fantastic and her home and heart are ready to welcome their baby girl. I cannot wait to meet her! Pray for a healthy delivery, healthy baby and peace and endurance for her.

Sometimes I wish I could live back in Dallas. Sunday night proved that Patrick and I would indeed be one fierce doubles tennis team. My backhand and his...everything else...FIERCE! I'm so freakin' competitive.

All these words to say, thanks mom and dad for bringing me home. I needed it and it did wonders for the soul. I can't wait to come back!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Audition Blitz

Tuesday night was the second of my summer audition blitz. I was told to have a one minute contemporary monologue and to prepare a 5-10 line nursery rhyme told with movement. Not one of those auditions! It almost scared me away but I put on my big girl panties and decided to choreograph a little something. With the help of friends I decided on reciting "Little Miss Muffet." I reached back into those early childhood files and thought, "I like to eat, though not necessarily curds and whey. I also don't like spiders. They scare me. Perfect!"

I felt pretty calm going into the audition. I was well prepared and just wanted to have fun. I actually think the whole nursery rhyme idea gave me that perspective. I did my monologue, got a laugh or two, and then started the nursery rhyme. I gave the choreography some levels: started out standing, moved to the floor, crawled backwards and then the grand finale! I cartwheeled from the floor and flew out of it with a leap! I, a 32 year old, cartwheeled! I think it impressed them enough to invite me back the next day for callbacks. Yippee!

I had the same goal for callbacks: have fun, take risks and be bold. That formula must work because this morning I got an email inviting me to be in the cast! I'm very excited about it! I'll be sure to fill you in on the details soon. Basically this means I'll be rehearsing ALL. THE. TIME! Goodbye summer! But it's what I want to do, right? Yes it is. God give me strength! It would be one thing if I didn't already have a nine to fiver.

Needless to say, I'm excited!

Why Dogs are Better than Cats

Yet another reason why I love Golden Retrievers. Hearts of gold I tell you.

Would a cat do this for a dog? I'm not so sure.